SORMAS goes One Health: Water-based Outbreak Prediction in Peri-Urban Africa (SORMAS-WOPPA)

SORMAS goes One Health: Water-based Outbreak Prediction in Peri-Urban Africa (SORMAS-WOPPA)

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI)
Amount: €6,000.00
Project Period: 01 January 2021 – 31 December 2022

Research Team Members:
Dr Eugene Adade
Mr. Patrick Ofori

Collaborating institutions
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany

Overview of the Project:
Surface water has the potential to accumulate microbes that circulate at the human-domestic livestock-wildlife interface often before disease outbreaks are reported. Our study aims to generate baseline data and novel insights into the depth of microbial diversity and candidate pathogens for epidemics in peri-urban Africa. It conceptualises the incorporation of environmental signals into the Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS).

Expected Impact:
This study will establish how human, animal and environment data can be sync in the context of the One health concept.

Group Leader

Dr Augustina Angelina Sylverken
Phone: +233 244 214625

Co- Principal Investigator:

Dr Micheal Owusu
Phone: +233 24 340 9558


Prof. Christian Drosten


Dr. Philip El-Duah

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