Mrs Oumou Maïga-Ascofaré, MSc, PhD


Date of Birth:      03/11/1980, Nationality: Mali

Address:           Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR) Kwame Nkrumah University in Science and Technology, PMB, UPO, Kumasi, Ghana

Phone:             +233 32 206 0351

Email:           , ORCID: 

Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases


I have started my research career in France (2003) and subsequently in Germany. My primary scientific interest was on the genetic/genomic epidemiology of malaria parasites with the focus on antimalarial resistance.

During the West African tfbola Outbreak from 2013 to 2015, I have decided to relocate from tfurope to West Africa to support developing research capacities in Africa.

I am since based in Ghana and I am involved in numerous Consortia and Networks. This has helped broader my scope of interest especially investigating local outbreaks (like Meningitis in 2017 and Marburg in 2022) or epidemics/pandemics (COVID-19) but also researching on malaria co-morbidity with neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and other viral and bacterial diseases.

I have been successfully managing large grants from tfuropean funders (tfDCTP, UNITAID); and have conducted several applied research studies either with an observational or interventional design, hospital or community based and targeting children, adults or pregnant women. More recently, I developed interest in assessing the efficacy of novel antimalarial triple-therapy combinations as the emergence of resistance of currently existing antimalarials is threatening the African continent.

I have led numerous training activities in different African countries in genetics, bioinformatics, parasitology and bio-risk management and supervised numerous young researchers in Ghana and in Mali (MSc or PhD).


I have also contributed successfully in the set-up of laboratory facilities in urban and rural areas which support the conduct of research studies close to the communities at risk. I have also set up laboratory infrastructure for experimental assays in entomology and cell biology.


2009 –2010       Diploma of Medical Statistics – Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France

Diplôme inter université de Statistique Appliquée à la Médecine (CESAM)

2005 – 2009      PhD in Parasitology – Paris Descartes University, France

2003 – 2004      Master of Science – Biology, Genetics and Immunology of parasitic infections – Pierre and Marie Curie University

Diplôme d’Etude Approfondie Biologie, Génétique et Immunologie des Infections Parasitaires 

2002 – 2003      Master’s degree in Biology – Cell Biology and Physiology – University of Angers, France

Maîtrise biologie cellulaire et physiologie

2000 – 2002      Bachelor’s degree in Biology – University of Angers

Licence biologie mention biologie cellulaire et physiologie


Professional position

Since 2019      Group Leader, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Kumasi, Ghana ( – Infectious Disease Epidemiology research group

2016 – 2019       Team Coordinator, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Kumasi, Ghana

– Infectious Disease Epidemiology research group

2015                  Biologist – Training Facilitator, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Kumasi, Ghana – Ebola Diagnostic Training Team

Since 2013         Associate Scientist, Malaria Epidemiology of Drug Resistance Unit – Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC), Université des Sciences Techniques et Technologiques de Bamako, Mali

Since 2011          Postdoctoral researcher, Infectious Disease Epidemiology research group – Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine (BNITM), Hamburg, Germany (

2009 – 2010        Postdoctoral researcher, Institut de Médecine et d’Epidémiologie Appliquée (IMEA), Paris, France (

Research experience and related activities

Since 2023          Collaborator of SEROMARV in Ghana

“Seroprevalence of Marburg Virus Disease in Ghana” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by BMBF, Germany

 Collaborator of DELGEME Plus Programme

Developing Excellence in Leadership and Genomics Training for Malaria Elimination and AntiMicrobial Resistance control in Africa – Sponsored by MRTC, Mali; Funded by DELTAS/Wellcome Trust, UK

Since 2022          Principal Investigator of CLAARITY in Ghana

“Clinical Assessment of the effect of Near Point-of-Care diagnostic strategy in patients with Acute Respiratory Infections in two hospitals in Ghana” – Funded and Sponsored by BNITM, Germany

Principal Investigator of SMART in Ghana – Health Surveillance, Malaria – Funded by GHPP/BMBF “Surveillance of antiMAlarial ResisTance in Ghana” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by GHPP/BMBF, Germany

Since 2021          Principal Investigator for CLEAR in Kumasi, Ghana

“COVID-Like Illness Respiratory Pathogens – Diagnostics Response in Ghana. A prospective cohort on the COVID-19 post-acute condition” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by GHPP/BMBF, Germany

Co- Principal Investigator for VAT00008 in Kumasi, Ghana

“A parallel-group, Phase III, multi-stage, modified double-blind, multi-armed study to assess theefficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of two SARS-CoV-2 Adjuvanted Recombinant Protein Vaccines (monovalent and bivalent) for prevention against COVID-19 in adults 18 years of age and older” – Funded and Sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur

Co-Investigator for RECOVERY in Kumasi, Ghana

“Randomised Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy” – Sponsored by Oxford University; Funded by Wellcome Trust, UK

Since 2020          Sponsor Representative BNITM for ANTICOV in Ghana

“An open-label, multicenter, randomized, adaptative platform trial of the safety and efficacy of several therapies, including antiviral therapies, versus control in mild / moderate cases of COVID-1”9 – Sponsored by DNDi, Switzerland; Funded by UNITAID / BMBF / EDCTP

Co-Applicant/Co-Investigator of ALERRT CCP in Ghana

“The African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training, Clinical Characterization Protocol” – Funded by Wellcome Trust, UK

Co-Investigator of WHO Clinical Data Platform for COVID-19 in Ghana

Funded by WHO

Co-Investigator of SeroCoV Study in Ghana

“Seroprevalence of COVID-19 in four African Countries” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by GHPP/BMBF, Germany

Since 2019          Project Coordinator of ASAAP project / Sponsor Representative KCCR and Coordinating PI

“Clinical evaluation of AntimalarialS triple-therapy with Atovaquone-Proguanil for malaria treatment in African children” – Sponsored by KCCR, Ghana; Funded by EDCTP2, EU –

Co- Principal Investigator / Study Coordinator of MBC project in Ghana

“Analysis of anti-malarial immunity development, parasite diversity, and endothelial cell activation in early life”– Funded by DZIF, Germany

Local Principal Investigator of MULTIMAL study in Ghana

“Multi-Drug Combination-Therapies to Prevent the Development of Drug Resistance: Phase II Controlled Clinical Trial Assessing Candidate Regimens of Multiple-Antimalarial Combinations for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Africa” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by DZIF, Germany

Since 2018          Co-Investigator of ALERRT project in Ghana

“The African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training” – Sponsored by Oxford University; Funded by EDCTP2, EU –

BNITM Principal Investigator for the DZIF Infrastructure African Partner Institutions (TI API),

Germany – (

2018 – 2022         Regional Coordinator of Stand-AMR

“Development of a standardized AMR laboratory for resource limited settings” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by GHPP/BMBF, Germany

2018 – 2019         Principal Investigator of ReACT study in Ghana

“Recurrent Malaria After treatment with Artemisinin Combination Therapy in an African Endemic Area” – Funded by BNITM, Germany

Co-Investigator of BIOMARKER study in Ghana

“Evaluation of Biomarkers to differentiate malaria from bacterial bloodstream infections” – Sponsored by BNITM, Germany; Funded by DZIF, Germany

2016 – 2021         Co-Applicant/Head of the technical hub for DELGEME Programme

“Developing Excellence in Leadership and Genetics Training for Malaria Elimination in sub-Saharan Africa” – Sponsored by MRTC, Mali; Funded by DELTAS/Wellcome Trust/AESA, UK –

2016 – 2019         Study coordinator of Crypto study for the Ghana site and Focal Person from BNITM for the Gabon site “Genetic determinants for the transmission of Cryptosporidium spp. among humans and animals in Africa” – Funded by DFG, Germany

2015 – 2020         Coordination of TransMal study for the Ghana site

“Assessing the effect of Neglected Tropical Diseases on P. falciparum transmission in an area of co-endemicity” – Funded by DFG, Germany

  • Since 2019: Local Principal Investigator
  • 2015 – 2018: Study coordinator

2013 – 2014        Principal Investigator of the Medical Research Council Centenary Award project

“Genetic signature of drug pressure on P. falciparum parasites in Faladje, Mali”

Since 2011          Investigator on Malaria genetic epidemiology – Infectious Disease Epidemiology research group (BNITM)

  • Since 2016: Set up of the Diagnostic Laboratory for Malaria Surveillance at KCCR, Kumasi, Ghana – TI API; DZIF grant, Germany
  • Since 2014: “Emergence of Artemisinin Drug resistance in Africa and Dynamic of malaria transmission” – TTU Malaria; DZIF grant, Germany
  • 2011 – 2013: “Molecular epidemiology and seroprevalence in asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections of Malagasy pregnant women in the highlands” – BMBF grant, Germany

2005 – 2009        PhD, Paris Descartes University and University of Bamako

“Evolution of antimalarial drugs resistance of P. falciparum, mainly in Africa, according to an approach to population genetics” – Supervisors: Jacques Le Bras, Director of ‘laboratoire EA209 Eucaryote Pathogène’, France and Ogobara Doumbo, director of MRTC, Mali


Since 2023        Supervision of a PhD student at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Ebenezer Ahenkan (Pharmacy)

Since 2020          Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Esther Placca (Pharmacology) Since 2020         Invited Lecturer for Diploma Course in Tropical Medicine at BNITM – Antimalarial Drug Resistance.

Since 2019          Supervision of three PhD student at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Henry Hanson (Parasitology), Kwadwo Sarfo Marfo (Molecular Biology) and Priscilla Adjei Kusi (Entomology)

2018 – 2022        Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Nana Safi Almoustapha – Impact of

  1. haematobium infection on the immune response to Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes in a co- endemic area, Ghana

2017 – 2020        Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Diana Tsali – Efficacy of Artesunate Amodiaquine (ASAQ) in children under five years at Asante Akyem Agogo, Ghana

2017 – 2019        Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Morrah Oppong – Malaria and STH coinfections in Homes from Kumasi, Ghana

2017 – 2019        Coordination of DELGEME short courses and workshops:

  • July, 22nd – Aug., 31st 2019 DELGEME’s 3rd Summer Course, USTTB, Bamako, Mali
  • April, 07th – May, 12th 2018        NMCP Introduction to Molecular Biology, USTTB, Bamako, Mali
  • April, 30th – May, 05th 2018        2nd Proposal development workshop, USTTB, Bamako, Mali
  • July 17th – Aug., 26th 2017          DELGEME’s 1st Summer Course, USTTB, Bamako, Mali
  • May, 8th – May, 13th 2017          1st Proposal development workshop 1, USTTB, Bamako, Mali

2016 – 2018

Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Priscilla Adjei-Kusi – Studies on Urinary Schistosomiasis in selected Peri-Urban communities in Kumasi, Ghana


West Africa Ebola Diagnostic Training facilitator at KCCR, Kumasi, Ghana –Unit for Humanitarian Aid and Humanitarian Mining (Ref. VN05); Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany

2014 – 2016        Supervision of a Master student (Mphil) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – Henry Hanson – In vivo Detection of Artemisinin resistance in Agogo, Ghana

Jan. – Mar. 2014 Supervision of a biological technician assistant (BTA) at BNITM, Hamburg, Germany – Sascha Kröncke – Familiarization with PCR diagnostic

Jun. – Aug. 2008 Supervision of a Master 1 student in Infectiology, Microbiology, Virology and Immunology (Paris Diderot University, France) – Rabia Mazmouz – Analysis of the genetic variability of antigenic loci in seven worldwide population of P. falciparum

Jan. – May 2008 Supervision of a Master 1 student in Science and Technology (Pierre and Marie Curie University) – Sara Falcão – Analysis of the genetic variability of chemo-resistance and neutral loci in two African population of P. falciparum

Apr. – Jun. 2007 Supervision of a student of 2nd year of Biological engineering, Institute of Technology of Amiens, France

– Emeline Broussier – Identification of neutral SNPs in two populations of P. falciparum: Mali and Madagascar

July 2005            Workshop: Molecular identification of P. falciparum Recrudescents vs. Reinfections in the frame of WHO chimioresistance in vivo studies – Centre of Excellence of the ‘Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie’, MRTC/DEAP/FMPOS, FIC-Malaria Training Grant, University of Maryland, of Baltimore and of Bamako – Bamako, Mali

Feb. – Jun. 2005 Tutorials: population genetics in Bachelor’s class and biology in first year of pharmaceutical school – Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, University Paris Descartes


Since Oct. 2020             External Expert for the Scientific Commission of IRD, France

Nominated Member of the Sectoral Scientific Commission 2 (CSS2) entitled “Biological and Medical Sciences”

Commission scientifique sectorielle n°2 (CSS2) intitulée «Sciences biologiques et médicales»

Dec. 2019 – Feb. 2020    External Expert for the Scientific Review Committee of EDCTP

Member of the SRC panel of experts for the call for proposals entitled: Career Development Fellowships (TMA2019CDF)

Feb. – Mar. 2017            Consulting Expert for University of Minnesota, USA

Training-of-Trainers on biorisk management for in-service providers from Rwanda -One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA)

– Rwanda One Health Work Force (OHW) Year 3

Mar. 2016                     Consultant for Médecin Sans Frontière

Biobanking and Biosecurity multi-sectoriel Workshop accross the Mano River Union:

  • Consultative Engagement Workshop on the Establishment of a Biobank in Liberia, Monrovia, 17-18 March 2016
  • Biosécurité, Biosûreté et Biobanques – Réflexions et Solution pour une Biobanque en Guinee, Conakry, 08-11 March 2016

Network and Membership

  • Malaria Genomic Epidemiology Network (MalariaGen) –
  • African Association for research and control of Anti-Microbial Resistance (AAAMR) –
  • American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) –
  • African Research network in Neglected Tropical Disease (ARNTD) –
  • African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ASBCB) –
  • Pathogen genomic Diversity Network Africa (PDNA) –

Grants and Fellowships – as Lead or Co-Applicant


SMART – GHPP/BMBF (916,000.00 Eur)


VAT00008 – Sanofi Pasteur (3,500,000.00 USD)


ANTICOV (Ghana) – UNITAID, BMBF (1.526.773,02 USD)


ALERRT CCP – Wellcome Trust, UK: UNS109633 (1,416,424.00 GBP)


ASAAP- EDCTP, EU: RIA2017MC-2022 (7,642,363.00 EUR)


DELGEME Aspiring Leader Fellowship – DELGEME 20/18 (30,000.00 GBP)

2016, 2017

DZIF, Germany: TI 03.001_02 (100,000.00 EUR), TTU Malaria 03.806 (50,000.00 EUR)


DELGEME – DELTAS Africa Award, Wellcome Trust, UK: 107740/Z/15/Z (5,523,781.00 GBP)


Medical Research Council UK: G0600718 (20,000.00 GBP)


General Communication

2022 Mar          Association of African Universities. Diaspora Connect – Research into Tropical medicine with Dr Oumou Maiga Ascofare. Jun          ASAAP paediatric malaria treatment study kicks off in Ghana – malaria-treatment-study-kicks-off-in-ghana/

2017 Feb   DZIF People – “Good to see both sides” –

2017 Feb   DZIF   Press   release   –          Malaria:             Hereditary    information of                 two rare          pathogens         decoded

Additional information

Language             French: fluent, English: fluent, German: basic notions

Personal leave       Maternity leaves: from 07.2010 to 06.2011 and from 04.2013 to 11.2013


Prof Juergen May

Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine Hamburg, Germany

Prof Abdoulaye Djimde

Malaria Research and Training Centre

Universite des Science, Technique et Technologique de Bamako Bamako, Mali


Recent Publications

  1. MalariaGEN; Abdel Hamid MM, Abdelraheem MH, Acheampong DO, Ahouidi A, Ali M, Almagro-Garcia J, Amambua-Ngwa A, Amaratunga C, Amenga-Etego L, Andagalu B, Anderson T, Andrianaranjaka V, Aniebo I, Aninagyei E, Ansah F, Ansah PO, Apinjoh T, Arnaldo P, Ashley E, Auburn S, Awandare GA, Ba H, Baraka V, Barry A, Bejon P, Bertin GI, Boni MF, Borrmann S, Bousema T, Bouyou- Akotet M, Branch O, Bull PC, Cheah H, Chindavongsa K, Chookajorn T, Chotivanich K, Claessens A, Conway DJ, Corredor V, Courtier E, Craig A, D’Alessandro U, Dama S, Day N, Denis B, Dhorda M, Diakite M, Djimde A, Dolecek C, Dondorp A, Doumbia S, Drakeley C, Drury E, Duffy P, Echeverry DF, Egwang TG, Enosse SMM, Erko B, Fairhurst RM, Faiz A, Fanello CA, Fleharty M, Forbes M, Fukuda M, Gamboa D, Ghansah A, Golassa L, Goncalves S, Harrison GLA, Healy SA, Hendry JA, Hernandez-Koutoucheva A, Hien TT, Hill CA, Hombhanje F, Hott A, Htut Y, Hussein M, Imwong M, Ishengoma D, Jackson SA, Jacob CG, Jeans J, Johnson KJ, Kamaliddin C, Kamau E, Keatley J, Kochakarn T, Konate DS, Konaté A, Kone A, Kwiatkowski DP, Kyaw MP, Kyle D, Lawniczak M, Lee SK, Lemnge M, Lim P, Lon C, Loua KM, Mandara CI, Marfurt J, Marsh K, Maude RJ, Mayxay M, Maïga-Ascofaré O, et al. Pf7: an open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide Wellcome Open Res. 2023 Jan 16;8:22.
  2. Agboli E, Tomazatos A, Maiga-Ascofaré O, May J, Lühken R, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Jöst Arbovirus Epidemiology: The Mystery of Unnoticed Epidemics in Ghana, West Africa. Microorganisms. 2022 Sep 27;10(10):1914.
  3. Moderate ART resistance mutations with low fitness cost in malaria parasites from Hannah M. Behrens, Sabine Schmidt, Domitille Peigney, Jürgen May, Oumou Maïga-Ascofaré, Tobias Spielmann, bioRxiv 2022.05.13.491767; doi:
  4. Paintsil EK, Ofori LA, Adobea S, Akenten CW, Phillips RO, Maiga-Ascofare O, Lamshöft M, May J, Obiri Danso K, Krumkamp R, Dekke Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance in Campylobacter spp. Isolated from Humans and Food-Producing Animals in West Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pathogens. 2022; 11(2):140.
  5. Weinreich F, Hagen RM, Loag W, Maïga-Ascofaré O, Dekker D, Frickmann H, Loderstädt U. Limited Reliability of the Molecular Detection of Plasmodium from Incubated Blood Culture Samples for Forensic Purposes. Microorganisms. 2022 Feb 10;10(2):406.
  6. Bassat Q, Maïga-Ascofaré O, May J, Clain J, Mombo-Ngoma G, Groger M, Adegnika AA, Agobé JD, Djimde A, Mischlinger J, Ramharter M; ASAAP and Multimal Consortia. Challenges in the clinical development pathway for triple and multiple drug combinations in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum Malar J. 2022; 21(1):61.
  7. Deschermeier C, Ehmen C, von Possel R, Murawski C, Rushton B, Amuasi J, Sarpong N, Maiga-Ascofaré O, Rakotozandrindrainy R, Asogun D, Ighodalo Y, Oestereich L, Duraffour S, Pahlmann M, Emmerich P. Fcγ-Receptor-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Sensitive, Specific, and Persistent Detection of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein IgG Antibodies in Human J Clin Microbiol. 2022; 60(6):e0007522.
  8. Emmerich P, Murawski C, Ehmen C, von Possel R, Pekarek N, Oestereich L, Duraffour S, Pahlmann M, Struck N, Eibach D, Krumkamp R, Amuasi J, Maiga-Ascofaré O, et Limited specificity of commercially available SARS-CoV-2 IgG ELISAs in serum samples of African origin. Trop Med Int Health. 2021; 26(6):621-631.
  9. Hoffmann T, Carsjens I, Rakotozandrindrainy R, Girmann M, Randriamampionona N, Maïga-Ascofaré O, Podbielski A, Hahn A, Frickmann H, Schwarz Serology- and Blood-PCR-Based Screening for Schistosomiasis in Pregnant Women in Madagascar-A Cross- Sectional Study and Test Comparison Approach. Pathogens. 2021;10(6):722.
  10. Frimpong M, Kyei-Tuffuor L, Fondjo LA, Ahor HS, Adjei-Kusi P, Maiga-Ascofare O, Phillips Evaluation of a real-time recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of Schistosoma haematobium infection in resource-limited setting. Acta Trop. 2021; 216:105847.
  11. MalariaGEN, Ahouidi A, Ali M, Almagro-Garcia J, Amambua-Ngwa A, Amaratunga C, Amato R, Amenga-Etego L, Andagalu B, Anderson TJC, Andrianaranjaka V, Apinjoh T, Ariani C, Ashley EA, Auburn S, Awandare G, Ba H, Baraka V, Barry AE, Bejon P, Bertin GI, Boni MF, Borrmann S, Bousema T, Branch O, Bull PC, Busby GBJ, Chookajorn T, Chotivanich K, Claessens A, Conway D, Craig A, D’Alessandro U, Dama S, Day NP, Denis B, Diakite M, Djimdé A, Dolecek C, Dondorp AM, Drakeley C, Drury E, Duffy P, Echeverry DF, Egwang TG, Erko B, Fairhurst RM, Faiz A, Fanello CA, Fukuda MM, Gamboa D, Ghansah A, Golassa L, Goncalves S, Hamilton WL, Harrison GLA, Hart L, Henrichs C, Hien TT, Hill CA, Hodgson A, Hubbart C, Imwong M, Ishengoma DS, Jackson SA, Jacob CG, Jeffery B, Jeffreys AE, Johnson KJ, Jyothi D, Kamaliddin C, Kamau E, Kekre M, Kluczynski K, Kochakarn T, Konaté A, Kwiatkowski DP, Kyaw MP, Lim P, Lon C, Loua KM, Maïga-Ascofaré O, et al. An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide Wellcome Open Res. 2021; 24;6:42.
  12. Tichkule S, Jex AR, van Oosterhout C, Sannella AR, Krumkamp R, Aldrich C, Maiga-Ascofare O, et Comparative genomics revealed adaptive admixture in Cryptosporidium hominis in Africa. Microb Genom. 2021;7(1).
  13. Riba A, Hassani K, Walker A, van Best N, von Zeschwitz D, Anslinger T, Sillner N, Rosenhain S, Eibach D, Maiga-Ascofaré O, Rolle- Kampczyk U, Basic M, Binz A, Mocek S, Sodeik B, Bauerfeind R, Mohs A, Trautwein C, Kiessling F, May J, Klingenspor M, Gremse F, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Bleich A, Torow N, von Bergen M, Hornef Disturbed gut microbiota and bile homeostasis in Giardia-infected mice contributes to metabolic dysregulation and growth impairment. Sci Transl Med. 2020;12(565):eaay7019.
  14. Manouana GP, Lorenz E, Mbong Ngwese M, Nguema Moure PA, Maiga Ascofaré O, et al. Performance of a rapid diagnostic test for the detection of Cryptosporidium spp. in African children admitted to hospital with diarrhea. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020;14(7):e0008448.
  15. Krumkamp R, Aldrich C, Maiga-Ascofare O, Mbwana J, Rakotozandrindrainy N, Borrmann S, Caccio SM, Rakotozandrindrainy R, Adegnika AA, Lusingu JPA, Amuasi J, May J, Eibach D; CRYPTO study Transmission of Cryptosporidium spp. among human and animal local contact networks in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country study. Clin Infect Dis. 2020. pii: ciaa223.
  16. Ghansah A, Kamau E, Amambua-Ngwa A, Ishengoma DS, Maiga-Ascofare O, et al. Targeted Next Generation Sequencing for malaria research in Africa: current status and outlook. Malar J. 2019: 18(1):324.
  17. Amambua-Ngwa A, Amenga-Etego L, Kamau E, Amato R, Ghansah A, Golassa L, Randrianarivelojosia M, Ishengoma D, Apinjoh T, Maïga-Ascofaré O, Andagalu B, Yavo W, Bouyou-Akotet M, Kolapo O, Mane K, Worwui A, Jeffries D, Simpson V, D’Alessandro U, Kwiatkowski D, Djimde Major subpopulations of Plasmodium falciparum in sub-Saharan Africa. Science. 2019:365(6455):813-816.
  18. Saxena A, Horby P, Amuasi J, Aagaard N, Köhler J, Gooshki ES, Denis E, Reis AA; ALERRT-WHO Workshop, Ravinetto R. Ethics preparedness: facilitating ethics review during outbreaks – recommendations from an expert BMC Med Ethics. 2019:20(1):29.
  19. Hogan B, Eibach D, Krumkamp R, Sarpong N, Dekker D, Kreuels B, Maiga-Ascofaré O, Gyau Boahen K, Wiafe Akenten C, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Owusu-Dabo E, May J; Fever Without Source (FWS) Study Group. Malaria Coinfections in Febrile Pediatric Inpatients: A Hospital- Based Study from Clin Infect Dis. 2018:66(12):1838-1845.


Recent oral Communications

Invited speaker

Maiga-Ascofare O. Diagnostic tools, gaps and needs for in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) – Example of Ghana. Novel Technologies in Global Health Diagnostics Meeting, TTU Malaria and NTD Workshops, DZIF, TranslaTUM, Munich, Germany – April 04th

– 5th 2023

Maiga-Ascofare O. A pathway to triple therapy to contain antimalarial resistance in Africa. KCCR 25th Anniversary, Scientific Symposium, Great Hall, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – November 29 – 30th 2022

Maiga-Ascofare O. ASAAP – Multicentre Phase III Clinical Trial on antimalarial triple therapy. Launch of the West Africa Regional Malaria Surveillance Group Meeting, IDL, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana – July 14th 2022

Maiga-Ascofare O. Protocol Development & Approval – Experiences from ANTICOV, coordinating in Ghana. Building on lessons learned from Evidence Generation in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Panel Discussion – Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) – June 28th 2022


  • Eibach D, Maiga-Ascofare O, Agobe Jean-Claude, Lorenz E, Djimde A, May Symposium on Malaria co-morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa: Malaria comorbidity or treatment failure? A clinical challenge in rural hospitals – ASTMH Annual Meeting – New Orleans, USA, October 28 – November 1st 2018
  • Maïga-Ascofaré O, Hogan B, Hanson H, Rettig T, Sarpong N, Owusu-Dabo E, May Failure of artemisinin-based Combination Therapy – non-adherence or antimalarial drug resistance? A case report from Ghana – 13th annual Malaria Meeting – Hamburg, Germany, November 13-14th 2015
  • Maïga-Ascofaré O, Hogan B, Sarpong N, Eibach D, Owusu-Dabo E, May J. K13-propeller polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasites from the Ashanti region of Ghana – 12th annual Malaria Meeting – Bonn, Germany, November 14-15th 2014
  • Maïga-Ascofaré O, Girmann M, Schwarz NG, Randriamampionona N, Rakotozandrindrainy R, May J. Genetic Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum in Malagasy pregnant women in two different transmission strata – 10th annual Malaria Meeting Marburg 2012

– Marburg, Germany, November 9-10th 2012

Maïga O. Geographic differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum populations: analysis of neutral, resistance and immune – Bioinformatics of Plasmodium falciparum – ‘Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle’ – Paris, France, January 21-22th 2009

Maïga O, Djimdé A, Falcao S, Broussier E, Renard E, Houzé, Jean François V, Doumbo O, Le Bras J, Clain J. Genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum populations from sites across Africa inferred from SNPs under selection vs. Neutral SNPs – Xth European Multicolloquium of Parasitology – from satellites to microsatellites – Paris, France, August 24-28th 2008


Maiga-Ascofare O, Baffour-Awuah O, Lorenz E, Sarfo Acqua A, Obuam P, Larbi R, Hanson H, May J, Owusu-Dabo E. Impact of Anthelmintic Treatment on Attractiveness of Anopheles to Subjects presenting Malaria and Schistosomiasis Co-infection – New Orleans, USA, October 28 – November 1, 2018

Maïga-Ascofaré O, Hogan B, Hanson, H, Rettig T, Sarpong N, Owusu-Dabo E, May J. Failure of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy – non-adherence or antimalarial drug resistance? A case report from Ghana. Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria 2016 – Wellcome Trust Scientific Conferences – Hinxton, Cambridge, United of Kingdom, June 5-8th 2016

Maïga-Ascofaré O, Hogan B, Sarpong N, Eibach D, Owusu-Dabo E, May J. K13-propeller polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasites from the Ashanti region of Ghana – DZIF annual meeting 2014- Braunschweig, Germany, November 26-28th 2014

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