Nurses Must Embrace Numbers for Global Health Impact

Kwaku Duah, a trained nurse and self-taught data analyst is urging nurses to embrace quantitative analysis. He is optimistic it will help nurses become drivers of change in global health research. “I am a nurse myself, and I have realized most nurses dread quantitative analysis (a technique that uses mathematical and statistical modeling, measurement, and […]

Inqaba Biotech Holds Pipette Usage Training for Scientists at KCCR

Inqaba Biotech, a leading name in providing cutting-edge laboratory solutions in Africa, recently organized a comprehensive pipette usage training program for scientists at the KCCR. The workshop’s theme was “The Science of Pipetting to Perfection” and was held on 24th August 2023 at the KCCR Seminar Room. The workshop aimed to enhance the precision and […]

Participants of One Health CPD Programme from G-WAC, KNUST, Visit KCCR for Study Exploration

In a significant stride towards advancing the global agenda of health security and pandemic preparedness, participants of the One Health Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPD) at the German West African Centre for Global Health and Pandemic Prevention (G-WAC),KNUST, embarked on a constructive study visit to the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR). […]

Global Health and Infectious Diseases Research Group partners the SNIP-AFRICA project to reduce neonatal sepsis deaths in Africa. 

The Global Health and Infectious Diseases Research Group (GHID) at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) is an implementing partner in a 60-month-long Neonatal sepsis clinical trial, SNIP-AFRICA. Dr. John Humphrey Amuasi, the research leader for the Global Health and Infectious […]