As an international platform for biomedical research, KCCR’s modus operandi is based on the close collaboration between KNUST School of Medical Sciences (SMS), Ghana, and the Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM), Hamburg, Germany. The centre is open to all scientists of other institutions, the only prerequisite is that the respective project includes a Ghanaian partner.
The main objective of the centre is to develop a series of world standard research programs through the acquisition of research grants. Within this context, the development of training facilities and educational programs for Ghanaian postgraduates and technical staff is a priority.
As a result of our continued effort in pursuit of this objective, KCCR was designated as an African Network for Diagnosis and Drug Discovery Innovation (ANDi) centre of excellence for applied biomedical research in 2011. This is in addition to the centre’s recognition as a WHO reference laboratory for Buruli Ulcer diagnosis. Our objective is to bring both the scientists and their ideas in this network and platform to conduct research in tropical diseases.
Before a prospective scientist or a collaborator decides to work on the KCCR platform, advice could be sought in the areas of scientific relevance of project topics, potential collaboration, ethical clearance, cost and other logistics. The Committee for Human Research and Publication of the KNUST has an ethical approval form that can be obtained from KCCR or downloaded. Upon completion, this has to be submitted to the Director of KCCR for onward submission to the CHRPE. Feasibility or pilot studies which may lead into short-term study or long term project can also be discussed with KCCR.
Making KCCR an independent interdisciplinary research centre of conceptual and technological excellence in biomedicine, agriculture and ecology. By providing a state-of-the-art technological platform and intellectual nucleus based on international scientific collaboration, in the process, attract the most talented and innovative KNUST scientists who carry innovative concepts and technologies back to their departments, faculties and beyond.
To develop, promote, provide and apply study Designs and Molecular Tools for the advancement of biomedical, agricultural and ecological sciences and sustain a vibrant research environment capable of attracting quality research projects and turning out the next generation of researchers to meet the current and the future health needs of Ghanaians and the international community.
– To act as an international platform for biomedical research, based on close collaborations with scientist from national and international institutions.
– To conduct basic and applied research in tropical and related diseases.
– To build a cohort of young and energetic scientists to help control the health
problems of Africa
– To address scientific topics in medical epidemiology and health implementation
on subjects of regional importance
– To contribute to the development of human and technical resources through
teaching, postgraduate training, scientific collaboration and maintaining
research facilities.
South-end Asuogya Road,
KNUST, Kumasi
GPS: AK-312-1059
Monday – Friday
8am – 5pm
Monday – Sunday
8am – 5pm
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